Concatenate or split existing PDF documents with PHP


Concatenate or split existing PDF documents with PHP

Manual for SetaPDF-Merger

The manual and API documentation of the SetaPDF-Merger component can be found here.

Following its table of content:

  1. Getting Started
    1. System Requirements and Installation
    2. Loading the Component
    3. Error Handling
  2. The Main Class
    1. Introduction
    2. Get an Instance
    3. Additional Helper Methods
    4. Handle Errors
  3. Add Files or Documents
    1. Introduction
    2. The addFile() and addDocument() Methods
    3. Control Pages To Merge
      1. Introduction
      2. The $pages Parameter
      3. Examples
    4. Named Destinations
      1. Introduction
      2. Example
    5. Outlines
      1. Introduction
      2. Create an Outline Item Per File/Document
      3. Structure Outline Items
      4. Import an Existing Outline
    6. Layers
      1. Introduction
      2. Example
  4. Encrypted Documents
    1. Introduction
    2. Merging Encrypted Documents
    3. Encrypting the Resulting Document
  5. PDF Forms
    1. Introduction
    2. Merge Same Form Several Times
    3. Examples
      1. Rename Same Named Form Fields
      2. Don't Rename Same Named Form Fields
  6. Performance Optimizations
    1. Introduction
    2. Limit of Open Files
    3. Improve Processing Speed
      1. The Garbage Collection
      2. Caching
    4. Improve Memory Usage
      1. Use Temporary Document Instances
      2. Merging PDF Documents Asynchronous
  7. PDF Portfolios (aka PDF Packages or Collections)
    1. Introduction
    2. Create a Collection Instance
    3. Files
      1. Add Files
      2. Get Files
      3. Delete Files
    4. Folders
      1. Add Folders
      2. Add Files
      3. Get Files And Subfolders
      4. Move a Folder
    5. The Collection Schema
      1. Collection Items
    6. Various Settings
      1. Initial View and Document
      2. Configure the Splitter Bar
      3. Sorting
  8. Migrating
    1. From Version 2.46 to >=2.47 (Namespaces)
    2. Refactor Version 1 Code
      1. Overview
      2. Error Handling
      3. Loading the Component
      4. General Refactoring
      5. Removed Methods
      6. Refactor Usage of Version 1 Methods
        1. The getPageCount() and setPageMode() Method
        2. Methods That Moved to the Documents Info Object
        3. The setDisplayMode() Method
        4. The setHandleNamedReferences() Method
        5. The setAddBookmarks() Method
        6. The setPdfVersionCallback() Method
  9. API Reference


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