Concatenate or split existing PDF documents with PHP


Concatenate or split existing PDF documents with PHP


On this pages we want to demonstrate the SetaPDF-Merger component in action. All demos will show you the PHP code that was used to create the output.

Assistant Demo

Concatenate individual PDF documents through a web interface.


Split PDF documents in page ranges and put them into a Zip file.

Link Merged Documents

Create dynamic links to concatenated documents

Merge same named form fields

Concatenate PDF forms with same named form fields.

Optimize Resources

This demo analyses the resulting page content streams and removes unused resources from their resource dictionaries.

Create a PDF Portfolio

Create a PDF Portfolio with the SetaPDF-Merger component in PHP.

Extract Files from a PDF Portfolio

Extract files from a PDF Portfolio with the SetaPDF-Merger component.

...more demos

See more live demos in our demo package, which is shipped with the products.