Fill PDF AcroForms with PHP


Fill in existing PDF forms with PHP

Prepopulate PDF forms with PHP

The SetaPDF-FormFiller component allows PHP developers to fill in existing PDF forms (also known as AcroForms) and XFA forms with dynamic data.

The PHP component also supports access to several field properties, individual appearance creation, deletion and flattening of form fields (not dynamic XFA forms).

Supported Field Types

  • Text fields
  • Text fields with multiple lines
  • Radio buttons
  • Check boxes
  • Scrollable list boxes
  • Scrollable list boxes with multiple options
  • Combo boxes
  • Combo boxes with an editable text box
  • Signature fields (only access to widget annotation and flatten function)
  • Button fields (only access to widget annotation and flatten function)

We offer this component in a lite version, which is limited to "Text fields" and "Text fields with multiple lines".

In Action [See all demos]

XFA Demo

A demo showing you how to fill in an XFA form with PHP.

Fill PDF form field with an Image

Use an image or PDF page as field appearance.

More demos are available here.

Additional Features

The component comes with all features of the SetaPDF-Core component, including support for encrypted PDF files if rights are granted or an owner password is known.

Examples of Usage

  • Prepopulate contracts and applications
    Use the SetaPDF-FormFiller to fill in form templates. We have customers from following sectors doing this: Toll carriers, banking, telecommunications , insurances,...
  • Personalize documents
    Use form fields to define areas which should be personalized in the fly.
  • Collect form data
    Use the component to read filled forms.


Questions about SetaPDF-FormFiller?

If you are searching for a feature or have any question regarding this or any other product, contact us at

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