A PHP library for low level access of PDF files


Access PDF documents at their lowest level with PHP

Get Image Sizes and Resolutions

This demo shows you how to receive information about used images in a PDF document. These information allow you to check images for specific resolutions, positions and/or sizes. The demo adds square annotations to the PDF document and dumps the received data into its content property.

Make sure, that you open the resulting PDF document with a PDF reader application, that supports PDF annotations!

It makes use of an image processor class which is implemended as follows:


use setasign\SetaPDF2\Core\Canvas\Canvas;
use setasign\SetaPDF2\Core\Canvas\GraphicState;
use setasign\SetaPDF2\Core\Filter\Exception as FilterException;
use setasign\SetaPDF2\Core\Geometry\Vector;
use setasign\SetaPDF2\Core\Parser\Content;
use setasign\SetaPDF2\Core\Resource\ResourceInterface;
use setasign\SetaPDF2\Core\Type\PdfIndirectReference;
use setasign\SetaPDF2\Core\XObject\Form;
use setasign\SetaPDF2\Core\XObject\XObject;

 * Class ImageProcessor
class ImageProcessor
     * The content stream.
     * @var string
    protected $_canvas;

     * The graphic state.
     * @var GraphicState
    protected $_graphicState;

     * The content parser instance.
     * @var Content
    protected $_contentParser;

     * The result data.
     * @var array
    protected $_result = [];

     * Switch the width and height values.
     * @var bool
    protected $_switchWidthAndHeight = false;

     * The constructor.
     * The parameters are the content stream and its resource dictionary.
     * @param Canvas $canvas
     * @param bool $switchWidthAndHeight
     * @param GraphicState|null $graphicState
    public function __construct(
        Canvas $canvas,
        GraphicState $graphicState = null
        $this->_canvas = $canvas;
        $this->_switchWidthAndHeight = $switchWidthAndHeight;
        $this->_graphicState = $graphicState === null ? new GraphicState() : $graphicState;

     * Get the graphic state.
     * @return GraphicState
    public function getGraphicState()
        return $this->_graphicState;

     * Process the content stream and return the resolved data.
     * @return array
    public function process()
        $parser = $this->_getContentParser();

        return $this->_result;

     * A method to receive the content parser instance.
     * @return Content
    protected function _getContentParser()
        if ($this->_contentParser === null) {
            try {
                $stream = $this->_canvas->getStream();
            } catch (FilterException $e) {
                // if a stream cannot be unfiltered, we ignore it
                $stream = '';

            $this->_contentParser = new Content($stream);
            $this->_contentParser->registerOperator(['q', 'Q'], [$this, '_onGraphicStateChange']);
            $this->_contentParser->registerOperator('cm', [$this, '_onCurrentTransformationMatrix']);
            $this->_contentParser->registerOperator('Do', [$this, '_onFormXObject']);
            $this->_contentParser->registerOperator('ID', [$this, '_onInlineImageData']);

        return $this->_contentParser;

     * Callback for inline image data operator
     * @param array $arguments
     * @param string $operator
    public function _onInlineImageData($arguments, $operator)
        $data = [];
        for ($i = 0, $c = count($arguments); $i < $c; $i += 2) {
            $data[$arguments[$i]->getValue()] = $arguments[$i + 1];

        if (!(isset($data['W']) || isset($data['Width'])) || !(isset($data['H']) || isset($data['Height']))) {
            return true;

        $pixelWidth = isset($data['W']) ? $data['W']->getValue() : $data['Width']->getValue();
        $pixelHeight = isset($data['H']) ? $data['H']->getValue() : $data['Height']->getValue();

        $this->_result[] = $this->_getNewResult($pixelWidth, $pixelHeight);

        $parser = $this->_contentParser->getParser();
        $reader = $parser->getReader();

        $pos = $reader->getPos();
        $offset = $reader->getOffset();

        while (
            )) === 0
        ) {
            if ($reader->increaseLength(1000) === false) {
                return false;

        $parser->reset($pos + $offset + $m[0][1] + strlen($m[0][0]));

     * Callback for the content parser which is called if a graphic state token (q/Q) is found.
     * @param array $arguments
     * @param string $operator
    public function _onGraphicStateChange($arguments, $operator)
        if ($operator === 'q') {
        } else {

     * Callback for the content parser which is called if a "cm" token is found.
     * @param array $arguments
     * @param string $operator
    public function _onCurrentTransformationMatrix($arguments, $operator)
            $arguments[0]->getValue(), $arguments[1]->getValue(),
            $arguments[2]->getValue(), $arguments[3]->getValue(),
            $arguments[4]->getValue(), $arguments[5]->getValue()

     * Callback for the content parser which is called if a "Do" operator/token is found.
     * @param array $arguments
     * @throws \setasign\SetaPDF2\Exception\NotImplemented
    public function _onFormXObject($arguments)
        $xObjects = $this->_canvas->getResources(true, false, ResourceInterface::TYPE_X_OBJECT);
        if ($xObjects === null) {

        $xObjects = $xObjects->ensure();
        $xObject = $xObjects->getValue($arguments[0]->getValue());

        if (!($xObject instanceof PdfIndirectReference)) {

        $xObjectReference = $xObject;
        $xObject = XObject::get($xObject);

        if ($xObject instanceof Form) {
            /* In that case we need to create a new instance of the processor and process
             * the form xobjects stream.

            $gs = $this->getGraphicState();
            $dict = $xObject->getIndirectObject()->ensure()->getValue();
            $matrix = $dict->getValue('Matrix');
            if ($matrix) {
                $matrix = $matrix->ensure()->toPhp();
                    $matrix[0], $matrix[1], $matrix[2], $matrix[3], $matrix[4], $matrix[5]

            $processor = new self($xObject->getCanvas(), $this->_switchWidthAndHeight, $gs);

            foreach ($processor->process() AS $image) {
                $this->_result[] = $image;


        } else {
            $newResult = $this->_getNewResult($xObject->getWidth(), $xObject->getHeight());
            $newResult['objectReference'] = $xObjectReference;

            $this->_result[] = $newResult;

     * Helper method to create a result entry.
     * @param numeric $pixelWidth
     * @param numeric $pixelHeight
     * @return array
    protected function _getNewResult($pixelWidth, $pixelHeight)
        // we have an image object, calculate it's outer points in user space
        $gs = $this->getGraphicState();
        $ll = $gs->toUserSpace(new Vector(0, 0, 1));
        $ul = $gs->toUserSpace(new Vector(0, 1, 1));
        $ur = $gs->toUserSpace(new Vector(1, 1, 1));
        $lr = $gs->toUserSpace(new Vector(1, 0, 1));

        // ...and match some further information
        $width  = \abs($this->_switchWidthAndHeight ? $ur->subtract($ll)->getY() : $ur->subtract($ll)->getX());
        $height = \abs($this->_switchWidthAndHeight ? $ur->subtract($ll)->getX() : $ur->subtract($ll)->getY());

        return [
            'll' => $ll->toPoint(),
            'ul' => $ul->toPoint(),
            'ur' => $ur->toPoint(),
            'lr' => $lr->toPoint(),
            'width' => $width,
            'height' => $height,
            'resolutionX' => $pixelWidth / $width * 72,
            'resolutionY' => $pixelHeight / $height * 72,
            'pixelWidth' => $pixelWidth,
            'pixelHeight' => $pixelHeight

Select or upload a file

The uploaded files are bound to your browser session and are not accessible by any other user. They will get deleted after 24 hours automatically.
