New Releases of all SetaPDF Components2020-02-17
We just released all SetaPDF components in new minor versions!
Several bug fixes and tweaks were done in the SetaPDF-Core component from which all other components benefit by default.
While the main components didn't receive "big" updates in this release we're working hard in the back on the SetaPDF-Signer component to support gathering of validation related information (OCSP, CRL, certificates). These new features will allow you to create LTV (Long-Term Validation) signatures. All customers with an active access to updates will have access to them by a pre-release, which is automatically added to their personal pickup depot. For more details please see here.
We also have to announce that we'd dropped PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.5 support with this release. If you are locked on such a legacy version, please use at least PHP 5.6 or better an officially supported PHP version.
Check the release notes of the components below.
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Release date: 2020-02-17
SetaPDF-Core Component
- Fixed SetaPDF_Core_Type_Dictionary::offsetSet() when name/key includes special chars (e.g. space).
- Optimized decoding in Ascii85 filter class.
- Fixed creation of CIDtoGIDMap when font doesn't cover used characters.
- Fixed memory-leak when cached values and objects are used.
- Handle name trees with empty Kids arrays.
- Added constant for "XFA Resources" in SetaPDF_Core_Document_Catalog_Names class.
- Perfomance optimization in SetaPDF_Core_Reader_Stream::copyTo() method.
- Transform invalid objects in name tree entries to the correct tree type objects.
- Handle annotation instance in SetaPDF_Core_Document_Catalog_Pages::getPageByAnnotation().
- Optimized handling of faulty flate decode data.
- Better handling of faulty structures in AcroForm Fields array.
- Ignore annotation entry if their indirect object cannot be resolved.
- Changed standard encryption algorithm/cipher in public key security to 256-bit AES in CBC mode for all public key security handlers.
- Tweaks in text field demo.
- Added set|getAlign() methods to TextField demo class.
- Optimized "RemoveDigitalSignatures" demo.