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New Versions2017-01-24

The first new release of all SetaPDF components in 2017 is done!

Beside bugfixes, new features and tweaks this release corrects an issue with our versioning system. We had updated the minor and maintenance version numbers ([major].[minor].[maintenance]) for each component individually in the past. Because the feature size of the SetaPDF-Core component, which is part of all other components, grew and offered more and more high level functions our customers started to use them beside other SetaPDF components. In the old system it may had happened that a feature or change in the SetaPDF-Core component was added while the version number of another component was only changed in its minor version. To prevent this in the future all changes in the SetaPDF-Core component will increase the version number of all other components, too.

Check the release notes of the components below.
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Release date: 2017-01-24
SetaPDF-Core Component
  • Added SetaPDF_Core_DataStructure_Rectangle::create() method.
  • Added get- and setMatrix() methods in SetaPDF_Core_XObject_Form.
  • Ignore non-stream objects in a pages Contents array.
  • Fixed SetaPDF_Core_Font_Cmap_Identity::lookup() with one-byte argument.
  • Fixed resolving of page objects after prepending other pages.
  • Optimized creation of page annotations by using the SetaPDF_Core_DataStructure_Rectangle::create() method instead of SetaPDF_Core_DataStructure_Rectangle::byArray().
  • Added return $this statement in all SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle::scale*() methods.
  • Optimized SetaPDF_Core_Document_Catalog_AcroForm::setNeedAppearances().
  • Optimized SetaPDF_Core_Font_Glyph_List::_byName() method.