New Versions2016-09-22
We just released new versions of all SetaPDF components and the FPDI PDF-Parser.
While we'd added several tweaks and bug fixes to the SetaPDF components, this releases comes with new evaluation versions encoded with the latest Ioncube Encoder for PHP 5.6 which are also usable with PHP 7. Also the evaluation versions for the FPDI PDF-Parser are compatible with PHP 7 now. Just make sure you'd installed the latest Ioncube Loader!
Check the release notes of the components below.
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Version 1.1.3
Release date: 2016-09-22
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Information |
- Throw correct exception if it was impossible to extract the cross-reference/objects by the fallback mechanism.
Release date: 2016-09-22
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Information |
SetaPDF-Core Component
- Added getBitsPerComponent() method in SetaPDF_Core_XObject_Image.
- Added getColorComponents() method to color space classes.
- Added getHival() and getLookupTable() methods to SetaPDF_Core_ColorSpace_Indexed.
- Ignore null filter when applying to a stream.
- Added remote go-to action class.
- Added SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType::getStreamParser() which returns a TTF parser instance of the embedded font program.
- Added a fallback mechanism in SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType::getFontBBox() which will allow you to re-calculate the font bounding box by their glyph definitions.
- Added SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType_Parser::getBoundingBoxes() method.
- Added helper method to check or compare page formats in SetaPDF_Core_PageFormats::is().
- Added scaleX() and scaleY() methods to SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Added scale() method to SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Changed the autoload implementation to a closure instead of a registered function.
- Allow creation of empty rectangles (no width or height) in SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Removed SplObjectStorage compatibility class.
- Changed signature of increaseLength() method in the reader interface from $length to $minLength.
- Prohibit showing text in graphic state without a font defined.
- Fixed handling of name arrays with an odd length.
- Fixed resolving of a color space (its family) through an indirect reference.
- Refactored color space classes.
- Optimized memory usage in string reader class.
- Added A85 name as a valid filter name/alias for ASCII85Decode.
- Updated SetaPDF_Core_Encoding::fromUtf16Be() to work with Cmap instances, too.
- Optimized handling of predictor filter algorithms.
- Optimized destination class for usage with remote go-to actions.
- Optimized fallback in SetaPDF_Core_Font::getCharByCharCode().
- Ensure that a passed security handler belongs to the document instance for which it was created.
- Optimized signature of SetaPDF_Core_Canvas::setGraphicState() to allow passing a document instance, which is forwarded to the addResource() method.
- Optimized readByte() method in abstract reader class.
Release date: 2016-09-22
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SetaPDF-Extractor Component
- Added fallback for an uncommon font bounding box.
- Optimized resolving of space width for fonts with an odd font bounding box.
SetaPDF-Core Component
- Added getBitsPerComponent() method in SetaPDF_Core_XObject_Image.
- Added getColorComponents() method to color space classes.
- Added getHival() and getLookupTable() methods to SetaPDF_Core_ColorSpace_Indexed.
- Ignore null filter when applying to a stream.
- Added remote go-to action class.
- Added SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType::getStreamParser() which returns a TTF parser instance of the embedded font program.
- Added a fallback mechanism in SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType::getFontBBox() which will allow you to re-calculate the font bounding box by their glyph definitions.
- Added SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType_Parser::getBoundingBoxes() method.
- Added helper method to check or compare page formats in SetaPDF_Core_PageFormats::is().
- Added scaleX() and scaleY() methods to SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Added scale() method to SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Changed the autoload implementation to a closure instead of a registered function.
- Allow creation of empty rectangles (no width or height) in SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Removed SplObjectStorage compatibility class.
- Changed signature of increaseLength() method in the reader interface from $length to $minLength.
- Prohibit showing text in graphic state without a font defined.
- Fixed handling of name arrays with an odd length.
- Fixed resolving of a color space (its family) through an indirect reference.
- Refactored color space classes.
- Optimized memory usage in string reader class.
- Added A85 name as a valid filter name/alias for ASCII85Decode.
- Updated SetaPDF_Core_Encoding::fromUtf16Be() to work with Cmap instances, too.
- Optimized handling of predictor filter algorithms.
- Optimized destination class for usage with remote go-to actions.
- Optimized fallback in SetaPDF_Core_Font::getCharByCharCode().
- Ensure that a passed security handler belongs to the document instance for which it was created.
- Optimized signature of SetaPDF_Core_Canvas::setGraphicState() to allow passing a document instance, which is forwarded to the addResource() method.
- Optimized readByte() method in abstract reader class.
Release date: 2016-09-22
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SetaPDF-FormFiller Component
- Added setDefaultValue() method to all field classes.
- Refactored and renamed method forwardSetValueToRelated() to forwardValueToRelated() in SetaPDF_FormFiller_Fields class.
- Optimized flattening of XFA forms.
- Optimized resolving of default value in XFA field nodes.
- Fixed invalid string in arithmetic warning for PHP 7.1.
SetaPDF-Core Component
- Added getBitsPerComponent() method in SetaPDF_Core_XObject_Image.
- Added getColorComponents() method to color space classes.
- Added getHival() and getLookupTable() methods to SetaPDF_Core_ColorSpace_Indexed.
- Ignore null filter when applying to a stream.
- Added remote go-to action class.
- Added SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType::getStreamParser() which returns a TTF parser instance of the embedded font program.
- Added a fallback mechanism in SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType::getFontBBox() which will allow you to re-calculate the font bounding box by their glyph definitions.
- Added SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType_Parser::getBoundingBoxes() method.
- Added helper method to check or compare page formats in SetaPDF_Core_PageFormats::is().
- Added scaleX() and scaleY() methods to SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Added scale() method to SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Changed the autoload implementation to a closure instead of a registered function.
- Allow creation of empty rectangles (no width or height) in SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Removed SplObjectStorage compatibility class.
- Changed signature of increaseLength() method in the reader interface from $length to $minLength.
- Prohibit showing text in graphic state without a font defined.
- Fixed handling of name arrays with an odd length.
- Fixed resolving of a color space (its family) through an indirect reference.
- Refactored color space classes.
- Optimized memory usage in string reader class.
- Added A85 name as a valid filter name/alias for ASCII85Decode.
- Updated SetaPDF_Core_Encoding::fromUtf16Be() to work with Cmap instances, too.
- Optimized handling of predictor filter algorithms.
- Optimized destination class for usage with remote go-to actions.
- Optimized fallback in SetaPDF_Core_Font::getCharByCharCode().
- Ensure that a passed security handler belongs to the document instance for which it was created.
- Optimized signature of SetaPDF_Core_Canvas::setGraphicState() to allow passing a document instance, which is forwarded to the addResource() method.
- Optimized readByte() method in abstract reader class.
Release date: 2016-09-22
Filename | Download | Composer
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Information |
SetaPDF-FormFiller Component
- Added setDefaultValue() method to all field classes.
- Refactored and renamed method forwardSetValueToRelated() to forwardValueToRelated() in SetaPDF_FormFiller_Fields class.
- Optimized flattening of XFA forms.
- Optimized resolving of default value in XFA field nodes.
- Fixed invalid string in arithmetic warning for PHP 7.1.
SetaPDF-Core Component
- Added getBitsPerComponent() method in SetaPDF_Core_XObject_Image.
- Added getColorComponents() method to color space classes.
- Added getHival() and getLookupTable() methods to SetaPDF_Core_ColorSpace_Indexed.
- Ignore null filter when applying to a stream.
- Added remote go-to action class.
- Added SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType::getStreamParser() which returns a TTF parser instance of the embedded font program.
- Added a fallback mechanism in SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType::getFontBBox() which will allow you to re-calculate the font bounding box by their glyph definitions.
- Added SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType_Parser::getBoundingBoxes() method.
- Added helper method to check or compare page formats in SetaPDF_Core_PageFormats::is().
- Added scaleX() and scaleY() methods to SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Added scale() method to SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Changed the autoload implementation to a closure instead of a registered function.
- Allow creation of empty rectangles (no width or height) in SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Removed SplObjectStorage compatibility class.
- Changed method of increaseLength() method the reader interface from $length to $minLength.
- Prohibit showing text in graphic state without a font defined.
- Fixed handling of name arrays with an odd length.
- Fixed resolving of a color space (its family) through an indirect reference.
- Refactored color space classes.
- Optimized memory usage in string reader class.
- Added A85 name as a valid filter name/alias for ASCII85Decode.
- Updated SetaPDF_Core_Encoding::fromUtf16Be() to work with Cmap instances, too.
- Optimized handling of predictor filter algorithms.
- Optimized destination class for usage with remote go-to actions.
- Optimized fallback in SetaPDF_Core_Font::getCharByCharCode().
- Ensure that a passed security handler belongs to the document instance for which it was created.
- Optimized signature of SetaPDF_Core_Canvas::setGraphicState() to allow passing a document instance, which is forwarded to the addResource() method.
- Optimized readByte() method in abstract reader class.
Release date: 2016-09-22
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SetaPDF-Merger Component
- Added logic that decides if the AcroForm entry is copied/merged into the resulting document or not. (If no page with widget annotations is copied, the AcroForm dictionary can be ignored)
SetaPDF-Core Component
- Added getBitsPerComponent() method in SetaPDF_Core_XObject_Image.
- Added getColorComponents() method to color space classes.
- Added getHival() and getLookupTable() methods to SetaPDF_Core_ColorSpace_Indexed.
- Ignore null filter when applying to a stream.
- Added remote go-to action class.
- Added SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType::getStreamParser() which returns a TTF parser instance of the embedded font program.
- Added a fallback mechanism in SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType::getFontBBox() which will allow you to re-calculate the font bounding box by their glyph definitions.
- Added SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType_Parser::getBoundingBoxes() method.
- Added helper method to check or compare page formats in SetaPDF_Core_PageFormats::is().
- Added scaleX() and scaleY() methods to SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Added scale() method to SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Changed the autoload implementation to a closure instead of a registered function.
- Allow creation of empty rectangles (no width or height) in SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Removed SplObjectStorage compatibility class.
- Changed method of increaseLength() method the reader interface from $length to $minLength.
- Prohibit showing text in graphic state without a font defined.
- Fixed handling of name arrays with an odd length.
- Fixed resolving of a color space (its family) through an indirect reference.
- Refactored color space classes.
- Optimized memory usage in string reader class.
- Added A85 name as a valid filter name/alias for ASCII85Decode.
- Updated SetaPDF_Core_Encoding::fromUtf16Be() to work with Cmap instances, too.
- Optimized handling of predictor filter algorithms.
- Optimized destination class for usage with remote go-to actions.
- Optimized fallback in SetaPDF_Core_Font::getCharByCharCode().
- Ensure that a passed security handler belongs to the document instance for which it was created.
- Optimized signature of SetaPDF_Core_Canvas::setGraphicState() to allow passing a document instance, which is forwarded to the addResource() method.
- Optimized readByte() method in abstract reader class.
Release date: 2016-09-22
Filename | Download | Composer
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Information |
SetaPDF-Signer Component
- Fixed creation and verification of nonce value.
SetaPDF-Core Component
- Added getBitsPerComponent() method in SetaPDF_Core_XObject_Image.
- Added getColorComponents() method to color space classes.
- Added getHival() and getLookupTable() methods to SetaPDF_Core_ColorSpace_Indexed.
- Ignore null filter when applying to a stream.
- Added remote go-to action class.
- Added SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType::getStreamParser() which returns a TTF parser instance of the embedded font program.
- Added a fallback mechanism in SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType::getFontBBox() which will allow you to re-calculate the font bounding box by their glyph definitions.
- Added SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType_Parser::getBoundingBoxes() method.
- Added helper method to check or compare page formats in SetaPDF_Core_PageFormats::is().
- Added scaleX() and scaleY() methods to SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Added scale() method to SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Changed the autoload implementation to a closure instead of a registered function.
- Allow creation of empty rectangles (no width or height) in SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Removed SplObjectStorage compatibility class.
- Changed signature of increaseLength() method in the reader interface from $length to $minLength.
- Prohibit showing text in graphic state without a font defined.
- Fixed handling of name arrays with an odd length.
- Fixed resolving of a color space (its family) through an indirect reference.
- Refactored color space classes.
- Optimized memory usage in string reader class.
- Added A85 name as a valid filter name/alias for ASCII85Decode.
- Updated SetaPDF_Core_Encoding::fromUtf16Be() to work with Cmap instances, too.
- Optimized handling of predictor filter algorithms.
- Optimized destination class for usage with remote go-to actions.
- Optimized fallback in SetaPDF_Core_Font::getCharByCharCode().
- Ensure that a passed security handler belongs to the document instance for which it was created.
- Optimized signature of SetaPDF_Core_Canvas::setGraphicState() to allow passing a document instance, which is forwarded to the addResource() method.
- Optimized readByte() method in abstract reader class.
Release date: 2016-09-22
Filename | Download | Composer
[ ? Use following minimal composer.json file to install a package through Composer. |
Information |
SetaPDF-Core Component
- Added getBitsPerComponent() method in SetaPDF_Core_XObject_Image.
- Added getColorComponents() method to color space classes.
- Added getHival() and getLookupTable() methods to SetaPDF_Core_ColorSpace_Indexed.
- Ignore null filter when applying to a stream.
- Added remote go-to action class.
- Added SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType::getStreamParser() which returns a TTF parser instance of the embedded font program.
- Added a fallback mechanism in SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType::getFontBBox() which will allow you to re-calculate the font bounding box by their glyph definitions.
- Added SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType_Parser::getBoundingBoxes() method.
- Added helper method to check or compare page formats in SetaPDF_Core_PageFormats::is().
- Added scaleX() and scaleY() methods to SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Added scale() method to SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Changed the autoload implementation to a closure instead of a registered function.
- Allow creation of empty rectangles (no width or height) in SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle.
- Removed SplObjectStorage compatibility class.
- Changed signature of increaseLength() method in the reader interface from $length to $minLength.
- Prohibit showing text in graphic state without a font defined.
- Fixed handling of name arrays with an odd length.
- Fixed resolving of a color space (its family) through an indirect reference.
- Refactored color space classes.
- Optimized memory usage in string reader class.
- Added A85 name as a valid filter name/alias for ASCII85Decode.
- Updated SetaPDF_Core_Encoding::fromUtf16Be() to work with Cmap instances, too.
- Optimized handling of predictor filter algorithms.
- Optimized destination class for usage with remote go-to actions.
- Optimized fallback in SetaPDF_Core_Font::getCharByCharCode().
- Ensure that a passed security handler belongs to the document instance for which it was created.
- Optimized signature of SetaPDF_Core_Canvas::setGraphicState() to allow passing a document instance, which is forwarded to the addResource() method.
- Optimized readByte() method in abstract reader class.