New release of FPDI, FPDF_TPL and FPDI PDF-Parser2015-05-12
Beside a simple bugfix and some tweaks in FPDI this release is the first offical version which is available via Packagist. For completion we also setup a clone of FPDF on Packagist.
Furthermore we also made the FPDI PDF-Parser available through our composer repository as of now!
To use them all together just add following to your composer.json:
{ "repositories": [ { "type": "composer", "url": "" } ], "require": { "setasign/fpdf": "1.7", "setasign/fpdi": "1.5.3", "setasign/fpdi_pdf-parser": "1.*" } }
For more details please check the installation instructions of FPDI and FPDI PDF-Parser.
Check the release notes of the components below.
Log in to download the latest version of the related packages!
Version 1.5.3
Release date: 2015-05-11
- Removed referenced handling for the currentParser property in FPDI.
- Encapsulated require_once() calls in if(class_exists(...)) checks.
- Optimized error handling for invalid cross reference data.
- Optimized reading of streams if the keyword is not followed by a newline character.
- Added composer.json