New versions of FPDI, FPDF_TPL and FPDI PDF-Parser released!2014-03-28
Today we released the last version for the version 1 branch of FPDI and all related classes: FPDF_TPL and FPDI PDF-Parser.
A main change is that we changed the error handling to throwing exceptions instead of calling the error() method of FPDF. Furthermore we finished the online manuals of FPDI.
Check the release notes of the components below.
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Version 1.5.1
Release date: 2014-03-31
Hotfix for FPDI (1.5.1)
- Added missing initial property value which raises a warning if you'd used FPDI without importing any object at all.
- Include FPDF_TPL class into FPDI package.
- Switched error handling to throwing exceptions instead of letting the script die.
- Optimized decoding of flate encoded streams, which are not decodable by gzuncompress().
- Added static property that allows you to define the length of bytes to search for "startxref".
- Added "group XObject" parameter to importPage() method to allow control if a the XObject will be defined to be a group XObject or not.
- Removed global constants and moved them to class constants.
- Renamed several properties which are used only internally (protected).
- Renamed internally used methods (protected).
- Removed tcpdf bridge file and introduced a generic bridge file for both FPDF and TCPDF.
- Renamed fpdi_bridge::_writeValue() to fpdi_bridge::_prepareValue().
- Fixed font handling if template is started but no font is set. (FPDF_TPL)
- Removed FPDI related filter.
- Optimized error handling in decode method of LZW filter class.
- Normalized relative path in setSourceFile().